Source code for mgtoolkit.library

from properties import resources
from exception import MetagraphException
from numpy import matrix
import copy
import math

[docs]def singleton(cls): """A helper function to ease implementing singletons. This should be used as a decorator to the class that should be a singleton. :param cls: class that should be a singleton :return: singleton instance of the class """ instances = {} def get_instance(): if cls not in instances: instances[cls] = cls() return instances[cls] return get_instance
[docs]class Triple(object): """ Captures a set of co-inputs, co-outputs and edges between two metagraph elements. """ def __init__(self, coinputs, cooutputs, edges): if edges is None: raise MetagraphException('edges', resources['value_null']) self.coinputs = coinputs self.cooutputs = cooutputs self.edges = edges
[docs] def coinputs(self): """ The co-inputs of the Triple object :return: set """ return self.coinputs
[docs] def cooutputs(self): """ The co-outputs of the Triple object :return: set """ return self.cooutputs
[docs] def edges(self): """ The edges of the Triple object :return: set """ return self.edges
def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self.edges, list): edge_desc = [repr(edge) for edge in self.edges] else: edge_desc = [repr(self.edges)] full_desc = '' for desc in edge_desc: if full_desc == '': full_desc = desc else: full_desc += ', ' + desc return 'Triple(%s, %s, %s)' % (self.coinputs, self.cooutputs, full_desc) def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other,Triple): return False return (self.coinputs == other.coinputs and self.cooutputs == other.cooutputs and len(self.edges) == len(other.edges) and self.edges == other.edges)
[docs]class Node(object): """ Represents a metagraph node. """ def __init__(self, element_set): if element_set is None or len(element_set) == 0: raise MetagraphException('element_set', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(element_set, set): raise MetagraphException('element_set', resources['format_invalid']) self.element_set = element_set
[docs] def get_element_set(self): """ Returns the node elements :return: set """ return self.element_set
def __repr__(self): return 'Node(%s)' % self.element_set
[docs]class Edge(object): """ Represents a metagraph edge. """ def __init__(self, invertex, outvertex, attributes=None, label=None): if invertex is None or len(invertex) == 0: raise MetagraphException('invertex', resources['value_null']) if outvertex is None or len(outvertex) == 0: raise MetagraphException('outvertex', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(invertex, set): raise MetagraphException('invertex', resources['format_invalid']) if not isinstance(outvertex, set): raise MetagraphException('outvertex', resources['format_invalid']) self.invertex = invertex self.outvertex = outvertex self.attributes = attributes self.label = label # include attributes as part if invertex if attributes is not None: invertex = list(self.invertex) for attribute in attributes: if attribute not in invertex: invertex.append(attribute) self.invertex = set(invertex) def __repr__(self): return 'Edge(%s, %s)' % (self.invertex, self.outvertex)
[docs] def invertex(self): """ Returns the invertex of the edge. :return: set """ return self.invertex
[docs] def outvertex(self): """ Returns the outvertex of the edge. :return: set """ return self.outvertex
[docs] def label(self): """ Returns the label of the edge. :return: string """ return self.label
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, Edge): return False return (self.invertex == other.invertex and self.outvertex == other.outvertex and self.attributes == other.attributes)
[docs]class Metapath(object): """ Represents a metapath between a source and a target node in a metagraph. """ def __init__(self, source, target, edge_list): if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) self.source = source = target self.edge_list = edge_list
[docs] def source(self): """ Returns the source of the metapath. :return: set """ return self.source
[docs] def target(self): """ Returns the target of the metapath. :return: set """ return
[docs] def edge_list(self): """ Returns the list of edges of the metapath. :return: set """ return self.edge_list
def __repr__(self): edge_desc = [repr(edge) for edge in self.edge_list] full_desc = 'source: %s, target: %s' % (self.source, for desc in edge_desc: if full_desc == '': full_desc = desc else: full_desc += ", " + desc return 'Metapath({ %s })' % full_desc
[docs] def dominates(self, metapath): """Checks whether current metapath dominates that provided. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ if metapath is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['value_null']) input1 = self.source # B input2 = metapath.source # B' output1 = # C output2 = # C' if input1.issubset(input2) and output2.issubset(output1): # B <= B', C' <= C return True return False
[docs]class Metagraph(object): """ Represents a metagraph. """ def __init__(self, generator_set): if generator_set is None or len(generator_set) == 0: raise MetagraphException('generator_set', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(generator_set, set): raise MetagraphException('generator_set', resources['format_invalid']) self.nodes = [] self.edges = [] self.generating_set = generator_set self.a_star = None
[docs] def add_node(self, node): """ Adds a node to the metagraph. :param node: Node object :return: None """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise MetagraphException('node', resources['format_invalid']) # nodes cant be null or empty if node is None: raise MetagraphException('node', resources['value_null']) # each element in node must be in the generating set not_found = [element not in self.generating_set for element in node.element_set] if True in not_found: raise MetagraphException('node', resources['range_invalid']) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node)
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """ Removes a specified node from the metagraph. :param node: Node object :return: None """ if not isinstance(node, Node): raise MetagraphException('node', resources['format_invalid']) # nodes cant be null or empty if node is None: raise MetagraphException('node', resources['value_null']) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node, self.nodes): raise MetagraphException('node', resources['value_not_found']) self.nodes.remove(node)
[docs] def add_nodes_from(self, nodes_list): """ Adds nodes from the given list to the metagraph. :param nodes_list: list of Node objects :return: None """ if nodes_list is None or len(nodes_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('nodes_list', resources['value_null']) for node in nodes_list: if not isinstance(node, Node): raise MetagraphException('nodes_list', resources['format_invalid']) for node in nodes_list: if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node)
[docs] def remove_nodes_from(self, nodes_list): """ Removes nodes from the given list from the metagraph. :param nodes_list: list of Node objects :return: None """ if nodes_list is None or len(nodes_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('nodes_list', resources['value_null']) for node in nodes_list: if not isinstance(node, set): raise MetagraphException('nodes_list', resources['format_invalid']) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node, self.nodes): raise MetagraphException('nodes_list', resources['value_not_found']) for node in nodes_list: self.nodes.remove(node)
[docs] def add_edge(self, edge): """ Adds the given edge to the metagraph. :param edge: Edge object :return: None """ if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['format_invalid']) # add to list of nodes first node1 = Node(edge.invertex) node2 = Node(edge.outvertex) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node1, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node1) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node2, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node2) #..then edges if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge, self.edges): self.edges.append(edge)
[docs] def remove_edge(self, edge): """ Removes the given edge from the metagraph. :param edge: Edge object :return:None """ if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['format_invalid']) # remove edge if edge in self.edges: self.edges.remove(edge)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, edge_list): """ Adds the given list of edges to the metagraph. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: None """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) for edge in edge_list: if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['format_invalid']) for edge in edge_list: node1 = Node(edge.invertex) node2 = Node(edge.outvertex) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node1, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node1) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node2, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node2) if edge not in self.edges: self.edges.append(edge)
[docs] def remove_edges_from(self, edge_list): """ Removes edges from the given list from the metagraph. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: None """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) for edge in edge_list: if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['format_invalid']) for edge in edge_list: if MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge, self.edges): self.edges.remove(edge)
[docs] def nodes(self): """ Returns a list of metagraph nodes. :return: list of Node objects """ return self.nodes
[docs] def edges(self): """ Returns a list of metagraph edges. :return: list of Edge objects. """ return self.edges
[docs] def get_edges(self, invertex, outvertex): """ Retrieves all edges between a given invertex and outvertex. :param invertex: set :param outvertex: set :return: list of Edge objects. """ if invertex is None: raise MetagraphException('invertex', resources['value_null']) if outvertex is None: raise MetagraphException('outvertex', resources['value_null']) result = [] if len(self.edges) > 0: for edge in self.edges: if (invertex.issubset(edge.invertex)) and (outvertex.issubset(edge.outvertex)) and (edge not in result): result.append(edge) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def get_coinputs(edge, x_i): """ Returns the set of co-inputs for element x_i in the given edge. :param edge: Edge object :param x_i: invertex element :return: set """ coinputs = None all_inputs = edge.invertex if x_i in list(all_inputs): coinputs = list(all_inputs) coinputs.remove(x_i) if coinputs is not None and len(coinputs) > 0: return set(coinputs) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cooutputs(edge, x_j): """ Returns the set of co-outputs for element x_j in the given edge. :param edge: Edge object :param x_j: outvertex element :return: set """ cooutputs = None all_outputs = edge.outvertex if x_j in list(all_outputs): cooutputs = list(all_outputs) cooutputs.remove(x_j) if cooutputs is not None and len(cooutputs) > 0: return set(cooutputs) return None
[docs] def adjacency_matrix_old(self): """ Returns the adjacency matrix of the metagraph. :return: numpy.matrix """ # get matrix size size = len(self.generating_set) adj_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) # one triple for each edge e connecting x_i to x_j for i in range(size): for j in range(size): x_i = list(self.generating_set)[i] x_j = list(self.generating_set)[j] # multiple edges may exist between x_i and x_j edges = self.get_edges({x_i}, {x_j}) if len(edges) > 0: triples_list = [] for edge in edges: coinputs = self.get_coinputs(edge, x_i) cooutputs = self.get_cooutputs(edge, x_j) triple = Triple(coinputs, cooutputs, edge) if triple not in triples_list: triples_list.append(triple) adj_matrix[i][j] = triples_list # return adj_matrix # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return matrix(adj_matrix)
[docs] def adjacency_matrix(self): """ Returns the adjacency matrix of the metagraph. :return: numpy.matrix """ # get matrix size size = len(self.generating_set) adj_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) # create lookup table count=1 triples_lookup=dict() for edge in self.edges: for elt1 in edge.invertex: for elt2 in edge.outvertex: coinputs = self.get_coinputs(edge, elt1) cooutputs = self.get_cooutputs(edge, elt2) triple = Triple(coinputs, cooutputs, edge) if (elt1,elt2) not in triples_lookup: triples_lookup[(elt1,elt2)] = [] triples_lookup[(elt1,elt2)].append(triple) count+=1 count=1 gen_elts = list(self.generating_set) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): x_i = gen_elts[i] x_j = gen_elts[j] try: adj_matrix[i][j] = triples_lookup[(x_i,x_j)] except BaseException,e: pass # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return matrix(adj_matrix)
[docs] def equivalent(self, metagraph2): """Checks if current metagraph is equivalent to the metagraph provided. :param metagraph2: Metagraph object :return: boolean """ if metagraph2 is None: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2', resources['value_null']) if self.dominates(metagraph2) and metagraph2.dominates(self): return True return False
[docs] def add_metagraph(self, metagraph2): """ Adds the given metagraph to current and returns the composed result. :param metagraph2: Metagraph object :return: Metagraph object """ if metagraph2 is None: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2', resources['value_null']) generating_set1 = self.generating_set generating_set2 = metagraph2.generating_set if generating_set2 is None or len(generating_set2) == 0: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2.generating_set', resources['value_null']) # check if the generating sets of the matrices overlap (otherwise no sense in combining metagraphs) #intersection=generating_set1.intersection(generating_set2) #if intersection==None: # raise MetagraphException('generating_sets', resources['no_overlap']) if len(generating_set1.difference(generating_set2)) == 0 and \ len(generating_set2.difference(generating_set1)) == 0: # generating sets are identical..simply add edges # size = len(generating_set1) for edge in metagraph2.edges: if edge not in self.edges: self.add_edge(edge) else: # generating sets overlap but are different...combine generating sets and then add edges # combined_generating_set = generating_set1.union(generating_set2) for edge in metagraph2.edges: if edge not in self.edges: self.add_edge(edge) return self
[docs] def multiply_metagraph(self, metagraph2): """ Multiplies the metagraph with that provided and returns the result. :param metagraph2: Metagraph object :return: Metagraph object """ if metagraph2 is None: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2', resources['value_null']) generating_set1 = self.generating_set generating_set2 = metagraph2.generating_set if generating_set2 is None or len(generating_set2) == 0: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2.generator_set', resources['value_null']) # check generating sets are identical if not(len(generating_set1.difference(generating_set2)) == 0 and len(generating_set2.difference(generating_set1)) == 0): raise MetagraphException('generator_sets', resources['not_identical']) adjacency_matrix1 = self.adjacency_matrix().tolist() adjacency_matrix2 = metagraph2.adjacency_matrix().tolist() size = len(generating_set1) resultant_adjacency_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): resultant_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = MetagraphHelper().multiply_components( adjacency_matrix1, adjacency_matrix2, generating_set1, i, j, size) # extract new edge list new_edge_list = MetagraphHelper().get_edges_in_matrix(resultant_adjacency_matrix, self.generating_set) # clear current edge list and append new self.edges = [] if len(new_edge_list) > 0: self.add_edges_from(new_edge_list) return self
[docs] def get_closure(self): """ Returns the closure matrix (i.e., A*) of the metagraph. :return: numpy.matrix """ adjacency_matrix = self.adjacency_matrix().tolist() i = 0 size = len(self.generating_set) a = dict() a[i] = adjacency_matrix a_star = adjacency_matrix for i in range(size): #print(' iteration %s --------------'%i) a[i+1] = MetagraphHelper().multiply_adjacency_matrices(a[i], self.generating_set, adjacency_matrix, self.generating_set) #print('multiply_adjacency_matrices complete') a_star = MetagraphHelper().add_adjacency_matrices(a_star, self.generating_set, a[i+1], self.generating_set) #print('add_adjacency_matrices complete') if a[i+1] == a[i]: break # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return matrix(a_star)
[docs] def get_all_metapaths_from(self, source, target): """ Retrieves all metapaths between given source and target in the metagraph. :param source: set :param target: set :return: list of Metapath objects """ if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) # check subset if not source.intersection(self.generating_set) == source: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.intersection(self.generating_set) == target: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['not_a_subset']) # compute A* first if self.a_star is None: #print('computing closure..') self.a_star = self.get_closure().tolist() #print('closure computation- %s'%(time.time()- start)) metapaths = [] all_applicable_input_rows = [] for x_i in source: index = list(self.generating_set).index(x_i) if index not in all_applicable_input_rows: all_applicable_input_rows.append(index) cumulative_output_global = [] cumulative_edges_global = [] for i in all_applicable_input_rows: mp_exist_for_row=False cumulative_output_local = [] cumulative_edges_local = [] for x_j in target: j = list(self.generating_set).index(x_j) if self.a_star[i][j] is not None: mp_exist_for_row = True # x_j is already an output cumulative_output_local.append(x_j) triples = MetagraphHelper().get_triples(self.a_star[i][j]) for triple in triples: # retain cooutputs output = triple.cooutputs if output is not None: cumulative_output_local += output if output is not None: cumulative_output_global += output #... and edges if isinstance(triple.edges, Edge): edges = MetagraphHelper().get_edge_list([triple.edges]) else: edges = MetagraphHelper().get_edge_list(triple.edges) for edge in edges: if edge not in cumulative_edges_local: cumulative_edges_local.append(edge) if edge not in cumulative_edges_global: cumulative_edges_global.append(edge) if not mp_exist_for_row: continue # check if cumulative outputs form a cover for the target if set(target).issubset(set(cumulative_output_local)): if set(cumulative_edges_local) not in metapaths: metapaths.append(set(cumulative_edges_local)) elif set(target).issubset(set(cumulative_edges_global)): if set(cumulative_edges_global) not in metapaths: metapaths.append(set(cumulative_edges_global)) else: break if len(metapaths)>0: #result=[] #for path in metapaths: # mp = Metapath(source, target, list(path)) # result.append(mp) #return result valid_metapaths = [] processed_edge_lists=[] from itertools import combinations for metapath in metapaths: if len(metapath)>25: continue all_subsets = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(list(metapath), r)), range(1, len(list(metapath))+1)), []) for path in all_subsets: if len(path) <= len(metapath): # metapaths edge_list2 = self.get_edge_list2(path) if len(processed_edge_lists)>0: if MetagraphHelper().is_edge_list_included(edge_list2,processed_edge_lists): continue mp = Metapath(source, target, edge_list2) if self.is_metapath(mp): valid_metapaths.append(mp) return valid_metapaths return None
def get_all_metapaths_from200(self, source, target): if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) # check subset if not source.intersection(self.generating_set) == source: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.intersection(self.generating_set) == target: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['not_a_subset']) # compute A* first if self.a_star is None: print('computing closure..') self.a_star = self.get_closure().tolist() print('find mps') metapaths = [] all_applicable_input_rows = [] for x_i in source: index = list(self.generating_set).index(x_i) if index not in all_applicable_input_rows: all_applicable_input_rows.append(index) for x_j in target: mp_exists=False j = list(self.generating_set).index(x_j) for i in all_applicable_input_rows: if self.a_star[i][j] is not None: mp_exists=True break if not mp_exists: return None metapaths=[] for x_j in target: j = list(self.generating_set).index(x_j) triples_set=set() for i in all_applicable_input_rows: triples = MetagraphHelper().get_triples(self.a_star[i][j]) triples_set = triples_set.union(set(triples)) if MetagraphHelper().forms_cover(triples_set, target, x_j): metapath = MetagraphHelper().get_metapath_from_triples(source, target, triples_set) metapaths.append(metapath) for i in all_applicable_input_rows: triples_set=set() for x_j in target: j = list(self.generating_set).index(x_j) triples = MetagraphHelper().get_triples(self.a_star[i][j]) triples_set = triples_set.union(set(triples)) if MetagraphHelper().forms_cover(triples_set, target, x_j): metapath = MetagraphHelper().get_metapath_from_triples(source, target, triples_set) metapaths.append(metapath) return metapaths def get_edge_list(self, path): result=set() for elt in path: result = result.union(elt) return list(result) def get_edge_list2(self, path): result=set() for elt in path: result = result.union({elt}) return list(result)
[docs] def is_metapath(self, metapath_candidate): """ Checks if the given candidate is a metapath. :param metapath_candidate: Metapath object :return: boolean """ if metapath_candidate is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath_candidate', resources['value_null']) all_inputs=[] all_outputs=[] for edge in metapath_candidate.edge_list: for input_elt in list(edge.invertex): if input_elt not in all_inputs: all_inputs.append(input_elt) for output_elt in list(edge.outvertex): if output_elt not in all_outputs: all_outputs.append(output_elt) # now check input and output sets if (set(all_inputs).difference(set(all_outputs)).issubset(metapath_candidate.source)) and \ set( return True return False
[docs] def is_edge_dominant_metapath(self, metapath): """ Checks if the given metapath is an edge-dominant metapath. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ if metapath is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['value_null']) from itertools import combinations # check input metapath is valid if not self.is_metapath(metapath): return False all_subsets = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(metapath.edge_list, r)), range(1, len(metapath.edge_list)+1)), []) # if one proper subset is a metapath then not edge dominant for path in all_subsets: # must be a proper subset if len(path) < len(metapath.edge_list): mp = Metapath(metapath.source,, list(path)) if self.is_metapath(mp): return False return True
[docs] def is_input_dominant_metapath(self, metapath): """ Checks if the given metapath is an input-dominant metapath. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ if metapath is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['value_null']) from itertools import combinations # check input metapath is valid if not self.is_metapath(metapath): return False # get all proper subsets of subset1 all_subsets = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(metapath.source, r)), range(1, len(metapath.source)+1)), []) # if one proper subset has a metapath to subset2 then not input dominant for subset in all_subsets: # must be proper subset if len(subset) < len(metapath.source): if isinstance(subset, tuple): subset = set(list(subset)) metapath1 = self.get_all_metapaths_from(subset, if metapath1 is not None and len(metapath1) > 0: #print('source: %s, target: %s'%(subset, return False return True
[docs] def is_dominant_metapath(self, metapath): """ Checks if the given metapath is a dominant metapath. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ if metapath is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['value_null']) # check input metapath is valid if not self.is_metapath(metapath): return False if (self.is_edge_dominant_metapath(metapath) and self.is_input_dominant_metapath(metapath)): return True return False
[docs] def is_redundant_edge(self, edge, metapath, source, target): """ Checks if the given edge is redundant for the given metapath. :param edge: Edge object :param metapath: Metapath object :param source: set :param target: set :return: boolean """ if edge is None: raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['value_null']) if metapath is None: raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['value_null']) if source is None: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) # check input metapath is valid if not self.is_metapath(metapath): raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['arguments_invalid']) from itertools import combinations all_subsets = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(target, r)), range(1, len(target)+1)), []) # get all metapaths from subset1 to proper subsets of subset2 for subset in all_subsets: if len(subset) < len(target): metapaths = self.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) # check if edges is in every metapath found if metapaths is not None and len(metapaths) > 0: for mp in metapaths: if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge, mp.edge_list): # redundant return True # non redundant return False return False
[docs] def is_cutset(self, edge_list, source, target): """ Checks if an edge list is a cutset between a given source and target. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :param source: set :param target: set :return: boolean """ if edge_list is None: raise MetagraphException('edges', resources['value_null']) if source is None: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) # get all metapaths metapaths = self.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if metapaths is not None and len(metapaths)>0: for metapath in metapaths: updated = MetagraphHelper().remove_edge_list(edge_list, metapath.edge_list) mpc = Metapath(source, target, updated) if self.is_metapath(mpc): # not a cutset return False # is a cutset return True return False
[docs] def get_minimal_cutset(self, source, target): """ Retrieves the minimal cutset between a given source and target. :param source: set :param target: set :return: list of Edge objects """ if source is None: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) metapaths = self.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if metapaths is None or len(metapaths) == 0: return None cutsets = [] from itertools import combinations # noinspection PyTypeChecker for metapath in metapaths: all_combinations = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(metapath.edge_list, r)), range(1, len(metapath.edge_list)+1)), []) for combination in all_combinations: if self.is_cutset(list(combination), source, target) and list(combination) not in cutsets: cutsets.append(list(combination)) # return smallest cutset if len(cutsets) > 0: smallest = cutsets[0] for cutset in cutsets: if len(cutset) < len(smallest): smallest = cutset return smallest return None
[docs] def is_bridge(self, edge_list, source, target): """ Checks if a given edge list forms a bridge between a source and a target. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :param source: set :param target: set :return: boolean """ if edge_list is None: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) if source is None: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) if len(edge_list)!=1: return False if not isinstance(edge_list, list): raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['arguments_invalid']) return self.is_cutset(edge_list, source, target)
[docs] def get_projection(self, generator_subset): """ Gets the metagraph projection for a subset of the generating set. :param generator_subset: set :return: Metagraph object """ if generator_subset is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_subset', resources['value_null']) # step1. reduce A* by removing unwanted rows, cols applicable_rows_and_cols = [] for x_i in generator_subset: index = list(self.generating_set).index(x_i) if index not in applicable_rows_and_cols: applicable_rows_and_cols.append(index) a_star = self.get_closure().tolist() # sort list applicable_rows_and_cols = sorted(applicable_rows_and_cols) size = len(generator_subset) a_star_new = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) m = 0 for i in applicable_rows_and_cols: n = 0 for j in applicable_rows_and_cols: a_star_new[m][n] = a_star[i][j] n += 1 m += 1 # step2. create list L from edges in E (not E') s.t. V_e is a subset of X' edge_list1 = [] all_triples = [] k = len(applicable_rows_and_cols) for i in range(k): for j in range(k): if a_star_new[i][j] is not None: triples = MetagraphHelper().get_triples(a_star_new[i][j]) for triple in triples: if isinstance(triple.edges, Edge): new_triple = Triple(triple.coinputs, triple.cooutputs, [triple.edges]) if not MetagraphHelper().is_triple_in_list(new_triple,all_triples): all_triples.append(new_triple) edges = MetagraphHelper().extract_edge_list([triple.edges]) else: if not MetagraphHelper().is_triple_in_list(triple,all_triples): all_triples.append(triple) edges = MetagraphHelper().extract_edge_list(triple.edges) # select edges with invertices in generator_subset for edge in edges: if edge.invertex.issubset(set(generator_subset)) and ([edge] not in edge_list1): edge_list1.append([edge]) # step3. find combinations of triples s.t. union(CI_t_i)\ union(CO_t_i) is a subset of generator_subset from itertools import combinations all_combinations = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(all_triples, r)), range(1, len(all_triples)+1)), []) for combination in all_combinations: coinput = MetagraphHelper().get_coinputs_from_triples(combination) cooutput = MetagraphHelper().get_cooutputs_from_triples(combination) diff = set(coinput).difference(set(cooutput)) if diff.issubset(set(generator_subset)): # add edges in combination to L edges2 = MetagraphHelper().get_edges_from_triple_list(list(combination)) included = MetagraphHelper().is_edge_list_included_recursive(edges2, edge_list1) if not included: edge_list1.append(edges2) # step4. construct L0 from L triples_list_l0 = [] for element in edge_list1: all_inputs = MetagraphHelper().get_netinputs(element) all_outputs = MetagraphHelper().get_netoutputs(element) net_inputs = list(set(all_inputs).difference(all_outputs)) net_outputs = all_outputs new_triple = Triple(set(net_inputs), set(net_outputs), element) if new_triple not in triples_list_l0: triples_list_l0.append(new_triple) # step5. reduce L0 to_eliminate = [] for i in triples_list_l0: for j in triples_list_l0: if i != j: # check if i is subsumed by j edges_i = MetagraphHelper().get_edge_list(i.edges) edges_j = MetagraphHelper().get_edge_list(j.edges) outputs_i = i.cooutputs outputs_j = j.coinputs # check j's edges are a subset of i's edges subset = True for edge in edges_j: if edge not in edges_i: subset = False break inclusive = True if subset: # edges form a subset..check outputs are inclusive outputs_j_in_x = [] for output in outputs_j: if (output in generator_subset) and (output not in outputs_j_in_x): outputs_j_in_x.append(output) outputs_i_in_x = [] for output in outputs_i: if (output in generator_subset) and (output not in outputs_i_in_x): outputs_i_in_x.append(output) for output in outputs_i_in_x: if output not in outputs_j_in_x: inclusive = False break if inclusive and (i not in to_eliminate): to_eliminate.append(i) break for elt in to_eliminate: triples_list_l0.remove(elt) to_drop = [] for i in triples_list_l0: for j in triples_list_l0: if i != j: inputs_i = i.coinputs inputs_j = j.coinputs outputs_i = i.cooutputs outputs_j = j.cooutputs # check if input and output of j are a subset of i input_subset = True for input_elt in inputs_j: if input_elt not in inputs_i: input_subset = False break if input_subset: output_subset = True for output in outputs_j: if output not in outputs_i: output_subset = False break if output_subset: for elt in j.cooutputs: i.cooutputs.remove(elt) if (i.cooutputs is None or len(i.cooutputs) == 0) and (i not in to_drop): to_drop.append(i) for item in to_drop: triples_list_l0.remove(item) #step6. merge triples based on identical inputs and outputs triples_to_merge = dict() index = 0 for triple1 in triples_list_l0: for triple2 in triples_list_l0: if triple1 != triple2: # merge if same input and output if triple1.coinputs == triple2.coinputs and triple1.cooutputs == triple2.cooutputs: if index not in triples_to_merge: triples_to_merge[index] = [] if triple2 not in triples_to_merge[index]: triples_to_merge[index].append(triple2) index += 1 post_merge_triples = dict() for index, triples_list in triples_to_merge.iteritems(): triple1 = triples_to_merge[index] if triple1 in triples_list_l0: triples_list_l0.remove(triple1) for triple2 in triples_list: if triple2 in triples_list_l0: triples_list_l0.remove(triple2) if index not in post_merge_triples: post_merge_triples[index] = Triple(triple1.coinputs, triple1.cooutputs, [triple1.edges, triple2.edges]) else: post_merge_triples[index].edges.append(triple2.edges) triples_list_l0.append(post_merge_triples[index]) #step7. and triples with identical inputs only triples_to_merge = dict() index = 0 for triple1 in triples_list_l0: for triple2 in triples_list_l0: if triple1 != triple2: # merge if same input if triple1.coinputs == triple2.coinputs: if index not in triples_to_merge: triples_to_merge[index] = [] if triple2 not in triples_to_merge[index]: triples_to_merge[index].append(triple2) index += 1 triple_list_l0_copy = copy.copy(triples_list_l0) post_merge_triples = dict() for index, triples_list in triples_to_merge.iteritems(): triple1 = triple_list_l0_copy[index] if triple1 in triples_list_l0: triples_list_l0.remove(triple1) for triple2 in triples_list: if triple2 in triples_list_l0: triples_list_l0.remove(triple2) if index not in post_merge_triples: edges_to_merge = list(triple1.edges) for elt in list(triple2.edges): if elt not in edges_to_merge: edges_to_merge.append(elt) post_merge_triples[index] = Triple(triple1.coinputs, triple1.cooutputs.union(triple2.cooutputs), edges_to_merge) else: edges_to_merge = list(post_merge_triples[index].edges) for elt in list(triple2.edges): if elt not in edges_to_merge: edges_to_merge.append(elt) post_merge_triples[index] = Triple(post_merge_triples[index].coinputs, post_merge_triples[index].cooutputs.union(triple2.cooutputs), edges_to_merge) # triple1 triples_list_l0.append(post_merge_triples[index]) temp_list = [] for triple in triples_list_l0: # remove all inputs and outputs that are not in generator_subset valid_inputs = triple.coinputs.intersection(set(generator_subset)) valid_outputs = triple.cooutputs.intersection(set(generator_subset)) new_triple = Triple(valid_inputs, valid_outputs, triple.edges) if new_triple not in temp_list: temp_list.append(new_triple) # remove any tuples with zero input or output final_triples_list = [] for triple in temp_list: if triple.coinputs is not None and triple.cooutputs is not None and \ len(triple.coinputs) > 0 and len(triple.cooutputs) > 0 and \ (triple not in final_triples_list): final_triples_list.append(triple) edge_list = [] for triple in final_triples_list: edge = Edge(triple.coinputs, triple.cooutputs, None, repr(triple.edges)) if edge not in edge_list: edge_list.append(edge) if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: return None mg = Metagraph(set(generator_subset)) mg.add_edges_from(edge_list) return mg
[docs] def incidence_matrix(self): """ Gets the metagraph projection for a subset of the generating set. :return: numpy.matrix """ rows = len(self.generating_set) cols = len(self.edges) incidence_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(rows, cols) for i in range(rows): x_i = list(self.generating_set)[i] for j in range(cols): e_j = self.edges[j] if x_i in e_j.invertex: incidence_matrix[i][j] = -1 elif x_i in e_j.outvertex: incidence_matrix[i][j] = 1 else: incidence_matrix[i][j] = None # noinspection PyCallingNonCallable return matrix(incidence_matrix)
[docs] def get_inverse(self): """ Gets the inverse metagraph. :return: Metagraph object """ incidence_m = self.incidence_matrix().tolist() edge_list = [] # step1: extract indices col_index = 0 for i in range(len(incidence_m[0])): negative_item_indices = [] positive_item_indices = [] column = [row[col_index] for row in incidence_m] row_index = 0 for item1 in column: if item1 == -1: # get all elements with +1 across the row row = incidence_m[row_index] eligible = [] local_index = 0 for item2 in row: if item2 == 1 and local_index not in eligible: eligible.append(local_index) local_index += 1 if len(eligible) == 0: row_index += 1 # debug dr check this continue # TODO: how do we handle multiple occurrences of +1? # keep a track of -1 and + 1 indices if (row_index, col_index) not in negative_item_indices: negative_item_indices.append((row_index, col_index)) for local_index in eligible: if (row_index, local_index) not in positive_item_indices: positive_item_indices.append((row_index, local_index)) row_index += 1 # construct edges from indices invertex = [] outvertex = [] edge_label = None for negative_item_index in negative_item_indices: if repr(self.edges[negative_item_index[1]]) not in outvertex: outvertex.append(repr(self.edges[negative_item_index[1]])) for positive_item_index in positive_item_indices: if repr(self.edges[positive_item_index[1]]) not in invertex: invertex.append(repr(self.edges[positive_item_index[1]])) # generate label if edge_label is None: edge_label = '<%s,%s>' % (list(self.generating_set)[positive_item_index[0]], repr(self.edges[positive_item_index[1]])) else: edge_label += ', <%s,%s>' % (list(self.generating_set)[positive_item_index[0]], repr(self.edges[positive_item_index[1]])) if invertex is not None and outvertex is not None and len(invertex) > 0 and len(outvertex) > 0: edge = Edge(set(invertex), set(outvertex), None, edge_label) if edge not in edge_list: edge_list.append(edge) col_index += 1 # compress the edges compressed_edges = [] for edge1 in edge_list: compressed = False for edge2 in edge_list: if edge1 != edge2: if edge1.invertex == edge2.invertex and edge1.label == edge2.label: new_edge = Edge(edge1.invertex, edge1.outvertex.union(edge2.outvertex), None, edge1.label) if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(new_edge, compressed_edges): compressed_edges.append(new_edge) compressed = True if not compressed and (not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge1, compressed_edges)): compressed_edges.append(edge1) # add links to alpha and beta row_index = 0 occurrences = lambda s, lst: (y for y, e in enumerate(lst) if e == s) for row in incidence_m: if row.__contains__(-1) and (not row.__contains__(1)): col_indices = list(occurrences(-1, row)) for col_index in col_indices: label = '<%s, alpha>' % (list(self.generating_set)[row_index]) new_edge = Edge({'alpha'}, {repr(self.edges[col_index])}, None, label) if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(new_edge, compressed_edges): compressed_edges.append(new_edge) elif row.__contains__(1) and (not row.__contains__(-1)): col_indices = list(occurrences(1, row)) for col_index in col_indices: label = '<%s, %s>' % (list(self.generating_set)[row_index], repr(self.edges[col_index])) new_edge = Edge({repr(self.edges[col_index])}, {'beta'}, None, label) if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(new_edge, compressed_edges): compressed_edges.append(new_edge) row_index += 1 mg = Metagraph(MetagraphHelper().get_generating_set(compressed_edges)) mg.add_edges_from(compressed_edges) return mg
[docs] def get_efm(self, generator_subset): """ Gets the element-flow metagraph. :param generator_subset: set :return: Metagraph object """ if generator_subset is None or len(generator_subset) == 0: raise MetagraphException('generator_subset', resources['value_null']) incidence_m = self.incidence_matrix().tolist() excluded = self.generating_set.difference(generator_subset) # compute G1 and G2 applicable_rows = [] for x_i in generator_subset: index = list(self.generating_set).index(x_i) if index not in applicable_rows: applicable_rows.append(index) # sort list applicable_rows = sorted(applicable_rows) inapplicable_rows = sorted(set(range(len(self.generating_set))).difference(applicable_rows)) rows1 = len(generator_subset) cols1 = len(incidence_m[0]) rows2 = len(excluded) g1 = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(rows1, cols1) g2 = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(rows2, cols1) m = 0 for i in applicable_rows: n = 0 for j in range(cols1): g1[m][n] = incidence_m[i][j] n += 1 m += 1 m = 0 for i in inapplicable_rows: n = 0 for j in range(cols1): g2[m][n] = incidence_m[i][j] n += 1 m += 1 g1_t = MetagraphHelper().transpose_matrix(g1) mult_r = MetagraphHelper().custom_multiply_matrices(g2, g1_t, self.edges) row_index = 0 edge_list = [] lookup = dict() for row in mult_r: col_index = 0 invertices = [] outvertices = [] for elt in row: if len(elt) > 0 and isinstance(list(elt)[0], tuple): extracted = list(elt)[0] if 1 in extracted: invertex = [] local_indices = [row.index(elt2) for elt2 in row if elt.issubset(elt2)] for local_index in local_indices: value = list(self.generating_set)[applicable_rows[local_index]] if value not in invertex: invertex.append(value) if set(invertex) not in invertices: invertices.append(set(invertex)) if repr(invertex) not in lookup: lookup[repr(invertex)] = extracted[1] elif -1 in extracted: outvertex = [] local_indices = [row.index(elt2) for elt2 in row if elt.issubset(elt2)] for local_index in local_indices: value = list(self.generating_set)[applicable_rows[local_index]] if value not in outvertex: outvertex.append(value) if set(outvertex) not in outvertices: outvertices.append(set(outvertex)) if repr(outvertex) not in lookup: lookup[repr(outvertex)] = extracted[1] col_index += 1 # combine the invertices and outvertices for invertex in invertices: for outvertex in outvertices: # create flow composition label = '%s <%s; %s>' % (list(self.generating_set)[inapplicable_rows[row_index]], lookup[repr(list(invertex))], lookup[repr(list(outvertex))]) edge = Edge(invertex, outvertex, None, label) if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge, edge_list): edge_list.append(edge) row_index += 1 # combine edges final_edge_list = [] for edge1 in edge_list: match = False for edge2 in edge_list: if edge1 != edge2: if edge1.invertex == edge2.invertex and edge1.outvertex == edge1.outvertex: match = True comp1 = MetagraphHelper().extract_edge_label_components(edge1.label) comp2 = MetagraphHelper().extract_edge_label_components(edge2.label) combined = (comp1[0].union(comp2[0]), comp1[1].union(comp2[1]), comp1[2].union(comp2[2])) label = '%s <%s; %s>' % (list(combined[0]), list(combined[1]), list(combined[2])) combined_edge = Edge(edge1.invertex, edge1.outvertex, None, label) if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(combined_edge, final_edge_list): final_edge_list.append(combined_edge) if not match: if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge1, final_edge_list): final_edge_list.append(edge1) if len(final_edge_list) > 0: gen_set = MetagraphHelper().get_generating_set(final_edge_list) mg = Metagraph(gen_set) mg.add_edges_from(final_edge_list) return mg return None
[docs] def dominates(self, metagraph2): """Checks if the metagraph dominates that provided. :param metagraph2: Metagraph object :return: boolean """ if metagraph2 is None: raise MetagraphException('metagraph2', resources['value_null']) #adjacency_matrix = self.adjacency_matrix().tolist() #all_metapaths1 = [] from itertools import combinations all_sources1 = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(self.generating_set, r)), range(1, len(self.generating_set))), []) all_targets1 = copy.copy(all_sources1) all_sources2 = sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(metagraph2.generating_set, r)), range(1, len(metagraph2.generating_set))), []) all_targets2 = copy.copy(all_sources2) all_metapaths1 = [] i = 1 #s1 = len(all_sources1) #t1 = len(all_targets1) #s2 = len(all_sources2) #t2 = len(all_targets2) for source in all_sources1: for target in all_targets1: if source != target: mp = self.get_all_metapaths_from(set(source), set(target)) if mp is not None and len(mp) > 0 and (mp not in all_metapaths1): all_metapaths1.append(mp) #print(i) i += 1 all_metapaths2 = [] for source in all_sources2: for target in all_targets2: if source != target: mp = self.get_all_metapaths_from(set(source), set(target)) if mp is not None and len(mp) > 0 and (mp not in all_metapaths2): all_metapaths2.append(mp) for mp1 in all_metapaths2: dominated = False for mp2 in all_metapaths1: if mp2.dominates(mp1): dominated = True break if not dominated: return False return True
def __repr__(self): edge_desc = [repr(edge) for edge in self.edges] full_desc = '' for desc in edge_desc: if full_desc == '': full_desc = desc else: full_desc += ", " + desc desc = '%s(%s)' % (str(type(self)), full_desc) desc = desc.replace('\\', '') return desc
[docs]class ConditionalMetagraph(Metagraph): """ Represents a conditional metagraph that is instantiated using a set of variables and a set of propositions. """ def __init__(self, variables_set, propositions_set): if not isinstance(variables_set, set): raise MetagraphException('variable_set', resources['format_invalid']) if not isinstance(propositions_set, set): raise MetagraphException('propositions_set', resources['format_invalid']) if len(variables_set.intersection(propositions_set)) > 0: raise MetagraphException('variables_and_propositions', resources['partition_invalid']) self.nodes = [] self.edges = [] = None self.variables_set = variables_set self.propositions_set = propositions_set self.generating_set = variables_set.union(propositions_set) super(ConditionalMetagraph, self).__init__(self.generating_set)
[docs] def add_edges_from(self, edge_list): """ Adds the given list of edges to the conditional metagraph. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: None """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) for edge in edge_list: if not isinstance(edge, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['format_invalid']) if len(edge.invertex.union(edge.outvertex)) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['value_null']) # if outvertex contains a proposition, the outvertex cannot contain any other element for proposition in self.propositions_set: if proposition in edge.outvertex: if len(edge.outvertex) > 1: raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['value_invalid']) for edge in edge_list: node1 = Node(edge.invertex) node2 = Node(edge.outvertex) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node1, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node1) if not MetagraphHelper().is_node_in_list(node2, self.nodes): self.nodes.append(node2) if edge not in self.edges: self.edges.append(edge)
[docs] def get_context(self, true_propositions, false_propositions): """Retrieves the context metagraph for the given true and false propositions. :param true_propositions: set :param false_propositions: set :return: ConditionalMetagraph object """ if true_propositions is None or len(true_propositions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('true_propositions', resources['value_null']) if false_propositions is None or len(false_propositions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('false_propositions', resources['value_null']) for proposition in true_propositions: if proposition not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('true_propositions', resources['range_invalid']) for proposition in false_propositions: if proposition not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('false_propositions', resources['range_invalid']) edges_to_remove = [] edges_copy = copy.copy(self.edges) for edge in edges_copy: for proposition in list(true_propositions): if proposition in edge.invertex: edge.invertex.difference({proposition}) # remove if this results in an invertex that is null if len(edge.invertex) == 0 and edge not in edges_to_remove: edges_to_remove.append(edge) if proposition in edge.outvertex: edge.outvertex.difference({proposition}) # remove if this results in an outvertex that is null if len(edge.outvertex) == 0 and edge not in edges_to_remove: edges_to_remove.append(edge) for proposition in list(false_propositions): if proposition in edge.invertex or proposition in edge.outvertex: # remove edge if edge not in edges_to_remove: edges_to_remove.append(edge) # create new conditional metagraph describing context context = ConditionalMetagraph(self.variables_set, self.propositions_set) for edge in edges_to_remove: if edge in edges_copy: edges_copy.remove(edge) context.add_edges_from(edges_copy) return context
[docs] def get_projection(self, variables_subset): """ Gets the conditional metagraph projection for a subset of its variable set. :param variables_subset: set :return: Metagraph object """ if variables_subset is None or len(variables_subset) == 0: raise MetagraphException('variables_subset', resources['value_null']) subset = variables_subset.union(self.propositions_set) generator_set = self.variables_set.union(self.propositions_set) mg = Metagraph(generator_set) mg.add_edges_from(self.edges) return mg.get_projection(subset)
[docs] def get_all_metapaths_from(self, source, target, prop_subset=None): """ Retrieves all metapaths between given source and target in the conditional metagraph. :param source: set :param target: set :return: list of Metapath objects """ if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('subset1', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('subset2', resources['value_null']) if not source.issubset(self.generating_set): raise MetagraphException('subset1', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.issubset(self.generating_set): raise MetagraphException('subset2', resources['not_a_subset']) generator_set = self.variables_set.union(self.propositions_set) if is None: = Metagraph(generator_set) if prop_subset is not None: return, target) else: return, target)
[docs] def get_all_metapaths(self): """ Retrieves all metapaths in the conditional metagraph. :return: List of Metapath objects """ from itertools import combinations all_subsets=sum(map(lambda r: list(combinations(self.nodes, r)), range(1, len(self.nodes)+1)), []) all_metapaths = [] for subset1 in all_subsets: for subset2 in all_subsets: if subset1 != subset2: if len(subset1)>1: element_set=set() for node in subset1: element_set = element_set.union(node.element_set) node1 = Node(element_set) else: node1=subset1[0] if len(subset2)>1: element_set=set() for node in subset2: element_set = element_set.union(node.element_set) node2 = Node(element_set) else: node2=subset2[0] # TODO: can source and target in a metapath overlap? if not MetagraphHelper().nodes_overlap([node1], [node2]): source = MetagraphHelper().get_element_set([node1]) target = MetagraphHelper().get_element_set([node2]) mps = self.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if mps is None or len(mps) == 0: continue # noinspection PyTypeChecker for mp in mps: if mp not in all_metapaths: all_metapaths.append(mp) return all_metapaths
[docs] def has_conflicts(self, metapath): """Checks whether the given metapath has any conflicts. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ invertices = set() intersec = set() edges = metapath.edge_list for edge in edges: invertices = invertices.union(edge.invertex) if len(intersec)==0: intersec = set(edge.attributes) else: intersec = intersec.intersection(set(edge.attributes)) potential_conflicts_set = invertices.intersection(self.propositions_set) if self.edge_attributes_conflict(potential_conflicts_set, intersec): return True return False
[docs] def has_redundancies(self, metapath): """ Checks if given metapath has redundancies. :param metapath: Metapath object :return: boolean """ # check input metapath is valid if not self.is_metapath(metapath): raise MetagraphException('metapath', resources['arguments_invalid']) return not self.is_dominant_metapath(metapath)
[docs] def edge_attributes_conflict(self, potential_conflicts_set, intersecting_attr_set): """ Checks if given edge attributes conflict. :param potential_conflicts_set: set :return: boolean """ if potential_conflicts_set is None: raise MetagraphException('potential_conflicts_set', resources['value_null']) # currently checks if actions conflict # extend later to include active times etc actions = self.get_actions(potential_conflicts_set) malware_sigs = self.get_malware_sigs(potential_conflicts_set) sig_present = self.get_sig_present(potential_conflicts_set) # TODO: extend to support more attributes if len(intersecting_attr_set)>0: # check if diff response actions are applied to same malware sig list if len(actions)>1 and len(malware_sigs)>1 and len(sig_present)==1: intersection = set(malware_sigs[0]) for sig_list in malware_sigs: intersection = intersection.intersection(set(sig_list)) if len(intersection)>0: return True # check if same response action is applied to different sig lists if len(malware_sigs)>1 and len(actions)==1 and len(sig_present)==1: return True if ('allow' in actions or 'permit' in actions) and 'deny' in actions: return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_actions(attributes): """ Filters the given list of attributes and returns a list of action-attribute values. :param attributes: list :return: list of strings """ if attributes is None: raise MetagraphException('attributes', resources['value_null']) actions = [] for attribute in attributes: if 'action' in attribute: value = attribute.replace('action=', '') if value not in actions: actions.append(value) return actions
@staticmethod def get_malware_sigs(attributes): if attributes is None: raise MetagraphException('attributes', resources['value_null']) sigs = [] for attribute in attributes: if 'malware_sigs' in attribute: value = attribute.replace('malware_sigs=', '') value = value.replace('[','') value = value.replace(']','') value = value.split(',') if value not in sigs: sigs.append(value) return sigs @staticmethod def get_sig_present(attributes): if attributes is None: raise MetagraphException('attributes', resources['value_null']) present = [] for attribute in attributes: if 'sig_present' in attribute: value = attribute.replace('sig_present=', '') if value not in present: present.append(value) return present
[docs] def is_connected(self, source, target, logical_expressions, interpretations): """Checks if subset1 is connected to subset2. :param source: set :param target: set :param logical_expressions: list of strings :param interpretations: lists of tuples :return: boolean """ if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) if logical_expressions is None or len(logical_expressions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('logical_expressions', resources['value_null']) if interpretations is None or len(interpretations) == 0: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['value_null']) if not source.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('source', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('target', resources['not_a_subset']) # check expressions are over X_p for logical_expression in logical_expressions: logical_expression_copy = copy.copy(logical_expression) logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('.', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('|', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('!', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('(', '') logical_expression_copy.replace(')', '') items = logical_expression_copy.split(' ') for item in items: item = item.replace(' ', '') if item != '' and item not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('logical_expression', resources['arguments_invalid']) # check metapath exists for at least one interpretation for interpretation in interpretations: true_propositions = [] false_propositions = [] for tuple_elt in interpretation: if tuple_elt[0] not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['arguments_invalid']) if tuple_elt[1] and tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: true_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) elif tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: false_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) # compute context metagraph context = self.get_context(true_propositions, false_propositions) metapaths = context.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if metapaths is not None and len(metapaths) >= 1: return True return False
[docs] def is_fully_connected(self, source, target, logical_expressions, interpretations): """Checks if subset1 is fully connected to subset2. :param source: set :param target: set :param logical_expressions: list of strings :param interpretations: lists of tuples :return: boolean """ if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) if logical_expressions is None or len(logical_expressions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('logical_expressions', resources['value_null']) if interpretations is None or len(interpretations) == 0: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['value_null']) if not source.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('source', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('target', resources['not_a_subset']) # check expressions are over X_p for logical_expression in logical_expressions: logical_expression_copy = copy.copy(logical_expression) logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('.', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('|', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('!', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('(', '') logical_expression_copy.replace(')', '') items = logical_expression_copy.split(' ') for item in items: item = item.replace(' ', '') if item != '' and item not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('logical_expression', resources['arguments_invalid']) # check metapath exists for every interpretation for interpretation in interpretations: true_propositions = [] false_propositions = [] for tuple_elt in interpretation: if tuple_elt[0] not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['arguments_invalid']) if tuple_elt[1] and tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: true_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) elif tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: false_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) # compute context metagraph context = self.get_context(true_propositions, false_propositions) metapaths = context.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if not(metapaths is not None and len(metapaths) >= 1): return False return True
[docs] def is_redundantly_connected(self, source, target, logical_expressions, interpretations): """Checks if subset1 is non-redundantly connected to subset2. :param source: set :param target: set :param logical_expressions: list of strings :param interpretations: lists of tuples :return: boolean """ if source is None or len(source) == 0: raise MetagraphException('source', resources['value_null']) if target is None or len(target) == 0: raise MetagraphException('target', resources['value_null']) if logical_expressions is None or len(logical_expressions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('logical_expressions', resources['value_null']) if interpretations is None or len(interpretations) == 0: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['value_null']) if not source.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('source', resources['not_a_subset']) if not target.issubset(self.variables_set): raise MetagraphException('target', resources['not_a_subset']) # check expressions are over X_p for logical_expression in logical_expressions: logical_expression_copy = copy.copy(logical_expression) logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('.', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('|', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('!', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('(', '') logical_expression_copy.replace(')', '') items = logical_expression_copy.split(' ') for item in items: item = item.replace(' ', '') if item != '' and item not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('logical_expression', resources['arguments_invalid']) # check metapath exists for every interpretation for interpretation in interpretations: true_propositions = [] false_propositions = [] for tuple_elt in interpretation: if tuple_elt[0] not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['arguments_invalid']) if tuple_elt[1] and tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: true_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) elif tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: false_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) # compute context metagraph context = self.get_context(true_propositions, false_propositions) metapaths = context.get_all_metapaths_from(source, target) if metapaths is not None and len(metapaths) > 1: return False return True
[docs] def is_non_redundant(self, logical_expressions, interpretations): """ Checks if a conditional metagraph is non redundant. :param logical_expressions: list of strings :param interpretations: lists of tuples :return: boolean """ if logical_expressions is None or len(logical_expressions) == 0: raise MetagraphException('logical_expressions', resources['value_null']) if interpretations is None or len(interpretations) == 0: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['value_null']) # check expressions are over X_p for logical_expression in logical_expressions: logical_expression_copy = copy.copy(logical_expression) logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('.', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('|', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('!', ' ') logical_expression_copy = logical_expression_copy.replace('(', '') logical_expression_copy.replace(')', '') items = logical_expression_copy.split(' ') for item in items: item = item.replace(' ', '') if item != '' and item not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('logical_expression', resources['arguments_invalid']) # check metapath exists for at least one interpretation for interpretation in interpretations: true_propositions = [] false_propositions = [] for tuple_elt in interpretation: if tuple_elt[0] not in self.propositions_set: raise MetagraphException('interpretations', resources['arguments_invalid']) if tuple_elt[1] and tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: true_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) elif tuple_elt[0] not in true_propositions: false_propositions.append(tuple_elt[0]) # compute context metagraph context = self.get_context(true_propositions, false_propositions) for x in self.variables_set: edge_list = [] for edge in context.edges: if x in edge.outvertex and edge not in edge_list: edge_list.append(edge) if len(edge_list) > 1: return False return True
def __repr__(self): edge_desc = [repr(edge) for edge in self.edges] full_desc = '' for desc in edge_desc: if full_desc == '': full_desc = desc else: full_desc += ', ' + desc desc = '%s(%s)' % (str(type(self)), full_desc) desc = desc.replace('\\', '') return desc
# noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyShadowingNames @singleton class MetagraphHelper: """ Helper class that facilitates metagraph operations. """ def __init__(self): pass def add_adjacency_matrices(self, adjacency_matrix1, generator_set1, adjacency_matrix2, generator_set2): """ Adds the two adjacency matrices provided and returns a combined matrix. :param adjacency_matrix1: numpy.matrix :param generator_set1: set :param adjacency_matrix2: numpy.matrix :param generator_set2: set :return: numpy.matrix """ if adjacency_matrix1 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix1', resources['value_null']) if adjacency_matrix2 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix2', resources['value_null']) if generator_set1 is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_set1', resources['value_null']) if generator_set2 is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_set2', resources['value_null']) # check if the generating sets of the matrices overlap (otherwise no sense in combining metagraphs) intersection = generator_set1.intersection(generator_set2) if intersection is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_sets', resources['no_overlap']) #combined_adjacency_matrix = None if len(generator_set1.difference(generator_set2)) == 0 and len(generator_set2.difference(generator_set1)) == 0: # generating sets are identical..use adjacency matrices as is size = len(generator_set1) combined_adjacency_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): # take the union if adjacency_matrix1[i][j] is None: combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = adjacency_matrix2[i][j] elif adjacency_matrix2[i][j] is None: combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = adjacency_matrix1[i][j] else: temp = list() temp.append(adjacency_matrix1[i][j]) temp.append(adjacency_matrix2[i][j]) combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = temp else: # generating sets overlap but are different...need to redefine adjacency matrices before adding them combined_generating_set = generator_set1.union(generator_set2) mg1 = Metagraph(combined_generating_set) # add all metagraph1 edges edge_list1 = self.get_edges_in_matrix(adjacency_matrix1, generator_set1) for edge in edge_list1: mg1.add_edge(edge) modified_adjacency_matrix1 = mg1.adjacency_matrix().tolist() mg2 = Metagraph(combined_generating_set) # add all metagraph2 edges edge_list2 = self.get_edges_in_matrix(adjacency_matrix2, generator_set2) for edge in edge_list2: mg2.add_edge(edge) modified_adjacency_matrix2 = mg2.adjacency_matrix().tolist() #combined_mg = Metagraph(combined_generating_set) size = len(combined_generating_set) combined_adjacency_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): # take the union if modified_adjacency_matrix1[i][j] is None: combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = modified_adjacency_matrix2[i][j] elif modified_adjacency_matrix2[i][j] is None: combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = modified_adjacency_matrix1[i][j] else: temp = modified_adjacency_matrix1[i][j] for triple in modified_adjacency_matrix2[i][j]: if not triple in modified_adjacency_matrix1[i][j]: temp.append(triple) combined_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = temp return combined_adjacency_matrix def get_triples(self, nested_triples_list): """ Returns a list of non-nested Triple objects. :param nested_triples_list: list of nested Triple objects :return: list of Triple objects """ if nested_triples_list is None or len(nested_triples_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('triples_list', resources['value_null']) result = [] if isinstance(nested_triples_list, list): for elt in nested_triples_list: if isinstance(elt, Triple): result.append(elt) else: temp = self.get_triples(elt) for item in temp: result.append(item) return result def forms_cover(self,triples_set, target, x_j): cumulative_output = {x_j} for triple in triples_set: # retain cooutputs cumulative_output = cumulative_output.union(triple.cooutputs) return target.issubset(cumulative_output) def get_metapath_from_triples(self, source, target, triples_set): edges=set() for triple in triples_set: edges = edges.union(triple.edges) return Metapath(source,target,edges) def multiply_adjacency_matrices(self, adjacency_matrix1, generator_set1, adjacency_matrix2, generator_set2): """ Multiplies the two adjacency matrices provided and returns the result. :param adjacency_matrix1: numpy.matrix :param generator_set1: set :param adjacency_matrix2: numpy.matrix :param generator_set2: set :return: numpy.matrix """ if adjacency_matrix1 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix1', resources['value_null']) if adjacency_matrix2 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix2', resources['value_null']) if generator_set1 is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_set1', resources['value_null']) if generator_set2 is None: raise MetagraphException('generator_set2', resources['value_null']) # check generating sets are identical if not(len(generator_set1.difference(generator_set2)) == 0 and len(generator_set2.difference(generator_set1)) == 0): raise MetagraphException('generator_sets', resources['not_identical']) size = len(generator_set1) resultant_adjacency_matrix = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(size, size) for i in range(size): for j in range(size): resultant_adjacency_matrix[i][j] = self.multiply_components(adjacency_matrix1, adjacency_matrix2, generator_set1, i, j, size) #print('multiply_components') return resultant_adjacency_matrix def multiply_components(self, adjacency_matrix1, adjacency_matrix2, generator_set1, i, j, size): """ Multiplies elements of two adjacency matrices. :param adjacency_matrix1: numpy.matrix :param adjacency_matrix2: numpy.matrix :param generator_set1: set :param i: int :param j: int :param size: int :return: list of Triple objects. """ if adjacency_matrix1 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix1', resources['value_null']) if adjacency_matrix2 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix2', resources['value_null']) if generator_set1 is None or len(generator_set1) == 0: raise MetagraphException('generator_set1', resources['value_null']) result = [] # computes the outermost loop (ie., k=1...K where K is the size of each input matrix) for k in range(size): a_ik = adjacency_matrix1[i][k] b_kj = adjacency_matrix2[k][j] #print('multiply_triple_lists') temp = self.multiply_triple_lists(a_ik, b_kj, list(generator_set1)[i], list(generator_set1)[j], list(generator_set1)[k]) if temp is not None: #print('len(temp): %s'%len(temp)) for triple in temp: if not MetagraphHelper().is_triple_in_list(triple, result): result.append(triple) #if triple not in result: result.append(triple) if len(result) == 0: return None return result def multiply_components(self, adjacency_matrix1, adjacency_matrix2, generator_set1, i, j, size): """ Multiplies elements of two adjacency matrices. :param adjacency_matrix1: numpy.matrix :param adjacency_matrix2: numpy.matrix :param generator_set1: set :param i: int :param j: int :param size: int :return: list of Triple objects. """ if adjacency_matrix1 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix1', resources['value_null']) if adjacency_matrix2 is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix2', resources['value_null']) if generator_set1 is None or len(generator_set1) == 0: raise MetagraphException('generator_set1', resources['value_null']) result = [] # computes the outermost loop (ie., k=1...K where K is the size of each input matrix) for k in range(size): a_ik = adjacency_matrix1[i][k] b_kj = adjacency_matrix2[k][j] temp = self.multiply_triple_lists(a_ik, b_kj, list(generator_set1)[i], list(generator_set1)[j], list(generator_set1)[k]) if temp is not None and len(temp)>0: result+=temp if len(result) == 0: return None return list(set(result)) def multiply_triple_lists(self, triple_list1, triple_list2, x_i, x_j, x_k): """ Multiplies two list of Triple objects and returns the result. :param triple_list1: list of Triple objects :param triple_list2: list of Triple objects :param x_i: generator set element :param x_j: generator set element :param x_k: generator set element :return: list of Triple objects """ if triple_list1 is None or triple_list2 is None: return None triples_list=[] # computes the middle loop (ie., n=1...N where N is the size of triple_list1 for triple1 in triple_list1: # computes the innermost loop (ie., m=1...M where M is the size of triple_list2 for triple2 in triple_list2: temp = self.multiply_triples(triple1, triple2, x_i, x_j, x_k) if temp is not None: triples_list.append(temp) if len(triples_list)>0: return list(set(triples_list)) return [] @staticmethod def multiply_triples(triple1, triple2, x_i, x_j, x_k): """ Multiplies two Triple objects and returns the result. :param triple1: Triple object :param triple2: Triple object :param x_i: generator set element :param x_j: generator set element :param x_k: generator set element :return: Triple object """ if triple1 is None or triple2 is None: return None # compute alpha(R) alpha_r = triple2.coinputs if triple2.coinputs is None: alpha_r = triple1.coinputs elif triple1.coinputs is not None: alpha_r = triple1.coinputs.union(triple2.coinputs) if alpha_r is not None and triple1.cooutputs is not None: alpha_r = alpha_r.difference(({x_i}).union(triple1.cooutputs)) elif alpha_r is not None: alpha_r = alpha_r.difference(({x_i})) # compute beta(R) beta_r = triple2.cooutputs if triple2.cooutputs is None: beta_r = triple1.cooutputs elif triple1.cooutputs is not None: beta_r = triple1.cooutputs.union(triple2.cooutputs) if beta_r is not None: beta_r = beta_r.union({x_k}) beta_r = beta_r.difference({x_j}) else: beta_r = {x_k} beta_r = beta_r.difference(({x_j})) # compute gamma(R) truncated = [] if triple1.edges not in truncated: if isinstance(triple1.edges, Edge): truncated.append(triple1.edges) else: if isinstance(triple1.edges, list): truncated = copy.copy(triple1.edges) if triple2.edges not in truncated: if isinstance(triple2.edges, Edge): truncated.append(triple2.edges) else: truncated.append = copy.copy(triple2.edges) gamma_r = truncated return Triple(alpha_r, beta_r, gamma_r) @staticmethod def get_null_matrix(rows, cols): """ Returns a null matrix of dimension rows x cols. :param rows: int :param cols: int :return: list """ psi = None result = [] for i in range(rows): # noinspection PyUnusedLocal item = [psi for j in range(cols)] result.append(item) return result @staticmethod def get_edges_in_matrix(adjacency_matrix, generator_set): """ Returns the list of edges in the provided adjacency matrix. :param adjacency_matrix: numpy.matrix :param generator_set: set :return: list of Edge objects """ if adjacency_matrix is None: raise MetagraphException('adjacency_matrix', resources['value_null']) if generator_set is None or len(generator_set) == 0: raise MetagraphException('generator_set', resources['value_null']) size = len(generator_set) edge_list = [] for i in range(size): for j in range(size): if adjacency_matrix[i][j] is not None: # list of triples triples_list = adjacency_matrix[i][j] for triple in triples_list: # gamma_R describes the edge if triple[2] not in edge_list: edge_list.append(triple[2]) return edge_list def get_edge_list(self, nested_edges): """ Returns a non-nested list of edges. :param nested_edges: nested list of Edge objects :return: non-nested list of Edge objects. """ edge_list = [] if nested_edges is None or len(nested_edges) == 0: return edge_list for element in nested_edges: if isinstance(element, list): temp = self.get_edge_list(element) for edge in temp: if edge not in edge_list: edge_list.append(edge) elif isinstance(element, Edge): if element not in edge_list: edge_list.append(element) return edge_list def remove_edge_list(self, edges_to_remove, target_edge_list): """ Removes a given set of edges from a target set. :param edges_to_remove: a list of edges to remove :param target_edge_list: a list of target edges :return: a list of Edge objects. """ updated = [] for edge in target_edge_list: if not self.is_edge_in_list(edge, edges_to_remove): updated.append(edge) return updated def get_edges_from_triple_list(self, nested_triples): """ Returns the edges present in a nested list of Triple objects. :param nested_triples: nested list of Triple objects :return: non-nested list of Triple objects """ result = [] if nested_triples is None: return result if isinstance(nested_triples, Triple): return nested_triples.edges elif isinstance(nested_triples, list): for element in nested_triples: temp = self.get_edges_from_triple_list(element) if isinstance(temp, list): for elt in temp: if isinstance(elt, Edge) and (elt not in result): result.append(elt) elif isinstance(elt, list): for elt2 in elt: if elt2 not in result: result.append(elt2) elif isinstance(temp, Edge) and (temp not in result): result.append(temp) return result def is_triple_in_list(self, triple, triples_list): """ Checks whether a particular Triple object is in a given list of Triples. :param triple: Triple object :param triples_list: list of Triple object :return: boolean """ if triple==None: raise MetagraphException('triple', resources['value_null']) if triples_list==None: raise MetagraphException('triples_list', resources['value_null']) result=False for element in triples_list: if self.are_triples_equal(triple, element): result= True break return result def is_edge_in_list(self, edge, nested_edges): """ Checks whether a particular edge is in the nested list of edges. :param edge: Edge object :param nested_edges: nested list of Edge objects :return: boolean """ if edge is None: raise MetagraphException('edge', resources['value_null']) if nested_edges is None: raise MetagraphException('nested_edges', resources['value_null']) result = False if isinstance(nested_edges, list): for element in nested_edges: result = self.is_edge_in_list(edge, element) if result: break elif isinstance(nested_edges, Edge): if self.are_edges_equal(edge, nested_edges): result = True return result def is_node_in_list(self, node, node_list): """ Checks if a particular node is in the given list of nodes. :param node: Node object :param node_list: list of Node objects :return: boolean """ if node is None: raise MetagraphException('node', resources['value_null']) if node_list is None: raise MetagraphException('node_list', resources['value_null']) result = False if isinstance(node_list, list): for element in node_list: result = self.is_node_in_list(node, element) if result: break elif isinstance(node_list, Node): if self.are_nodes_equal(node, node_list): result = True return result def are_triples_equal(self, triple1, triple2): """ Checks if the two given triples are equal. :param triple1: Triple object :param triple2: Triple object :return: boolean """ if triple1 is None: raise MetagraphException('triple1', resources['value_null']) if triple2 is None: raise MetagraphException('triple2', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(triple1, Triple): raise MetagraphException('triple1', resources['format_invalid']) if not isinstance(triple2, Triple): raise MetagraphException('triple2', resources['format_invalid']) edge_list_match = True for edge in triple1.edges: if not self.is_edge_in_list(edge, triple2.edges): edge_list_match = False break for edge in triple2.edges: if not self.is_edge_in_list(edge, triple1.edges): edge_list_match = False break return (triple1.coinputs == triple2.coinputs and triple1.cooutputs == triple2.cooutputs and len(triple1.edges) == len(triple2.edges) and edge_list_match) @staticmethod def are_edges_equal(edge1, edge2): """ Checks if the two given edges are equal. :param edge1: Edge object :param edge2: Edge object :return: boolean """ if edge1 is None: raise MetagraphException('edge1', resources['value_null']) if edge2 is None: raise MetagraphException('edge2', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(edge1, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge1', resources['format_invalid']) if not isinstance(edge2, Edge): raise MetagraphException('edge2', resources['format_invalid']) if edge1.attributes is not None and edge2.attributes is not None: return (edge1.invertex == edge2.invertex and edge1.outvertex == edge2.outvertex and set(edge1.attributes) == set(edge2.attributes) and edge1.label == edge2.label) else: return (edge1.invertex == edge2.invertex and edge1.outvertex == edge2.outvertex and edge1.label == edge2.label) @staticmethod def are_nodes_equal(node1, node2): """ Checks if two given nodes are equal. :param node1: Node object :param node2: Node object :return: boolean """ if node1 is None: raise MetagraphException('node1', resources['value_null']) if node2 is None: raise MetagraphException('node2', resources['value_null']) if not isinstance(node1, Node): raise MetagraphException('node1', resources['format_invalid']) if not isinstance(node2, Node): raise MetagraphException('node2', resources['format_invalid']) return node1.element_set == node2.element_set @staticmethod def is_edge_list_included_recursive(edges, reference_edge_list): """ Checks if an edge list is included in the reference edge list. :param edges: list of Edge objects :param reference_edge_list: reference lists of Edge objects :return: boolean """ if edges is None or len(edges) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edges', resources['value_null']) if reference_edge_list is None or len(reference_edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('reference_edge_list', resources['value_null']) for ref_edges in reference_edge_list: inclusive_list = True for edge1 in edges: if not MetagraphHelper().is_edge_in_list(edge1, ref_edges): #match=False #for edge2 in ref_edges: # if edge1.invertex==edge2.invertex and edge1.outvertex==edge2.outvertex: # match=True # break #if not match: inclusive_list = False break if inclusive_list and len(edges) == len(ref_edges): return True return False @staticmethod def is_edge_list_included(edge_list1, edge_list2): """ Checks if an edge list is included in edge_list2. :param edge_list1: first list of Edge objects :param edge_list2: second list of Edge objects :return: boolean """ if edge_list1 is None or len(edge_list1) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list1', resources['value_null']) if edge_list2 is None or len(edge_list2) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list2', resources['value_null']) return set(edge_list1).issubset(set(edge_list2)) def get_netinputs(self, edge_list): """ Retrieves a list of net inputs corresponding to the given edge list. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: list """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) all_inputs = [] for edge in edge_list: if isinstance(edge, Edge): for input_elt in edge.invertex: if input_elt not in all_inputs: all_inputs.append(input_elt) elif isinstance(edge, list): temp = self.get_netinputs(edge) for item in temp: if item not in all_inputs: all_inputs.append(item) return all_inputs def get_netoutputs(self, edge_list): """ Retrieves a list of net outputs corresponding to the given edge list. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: list """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) all_outputs = [] for edge in edge_list: if isinstance(edge, Edge): for output in edge.outvertex: if output not in all_outputs: all_outputs.append(output) elif isinstance(edge, list): temp = self.get_netoutputs(edge) for item in temp: if item not in all_outputs: all_outputs.append(item) return all_outputs @staticmethod def get_coinputs_from_triples(triples_list): """ Retrieves a list of co-inputs corresponding to the given triples list. :param triples_list: list of Triple objects :return: list """ if triples_list is None or len(triples_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('triples_list', resources['value_null']) all_coinputs = [] for triple in triples_list: if triple.coinputs is not None: for coinput in triple.coinputs: if coinput not in all_coinputs: all_coinputs.append(coinput) return all_coinputs @staticmethod def get_cooutputs_from_triples(triples_list): """ Retrieves a list of co-outputs corresponding to the given triples list. :param triples_list: list of Triple objects :return: list """ if triples_list is None or len(triples_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('triples_list', resources['value_null']) all_cooutputs = [] for triple in triples_list: if triple.cooutputs is not None: for cooutput in triple.cooutputs: if cooutput not in all_cooutputs: all_cooutputs.append(cooutput) return all_cooutputs def extract_edge_list(self, nested_edge_list): """ Retrieves a non-nested edge list from the given nested list. :param nested_edge_list: nested list of Edge objects :return: non-nested list of Edge objects. """ if nested_edge_list is None or len(nested_edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('nested_edge_list', resources['value_null']) result = [] for element in nested_edge_list: if isinstance(element, list): temp = self.extract_edge_list(element) for item in temp: result.append(item) elif isinstance(element, Edge): result.append(element) return result def node_lists_overlap(self, nodes_list1, nodes_list2): """ Checks if two lists of nodes overlap. :param nodes_list1: list of Node objects :param nodes_list2: list of Node objects :return: boolean """ for node1 in nodes_list1: if self.is_node_in_list(node1, nodes_list2): return True return False def generate_visualisation(self, edge_list, file_path): try: clusters = dict() edges = [] index = 0 for edge in edge_list: inv=None outv=None if len(list(edge.invertex))>1: # is a cluster if edge.invertex not in clusters.values(): # create new clusters[index] = edge.invertex inv = index index+=1 else: # use existing inv = clusters.values().index(edge.invertex) else: # indiv node inv = list(edge.invertex)[0] inv = inv.strip() inv = inv.replace(' ','_') inv = inv.replace('-','_') inv = inv.replace('"','') inv = inv.replace(';','') if len(list(edge.outvertex))>1: # a cluster if edge.outvertex not in clusters.values(): # create new clusters[index] = edge.outvertex outv=index index+=1 else: # use existing outv = clusters.values().index(edge.outvertex) else: # indiv node outv = list(edge.outvertex)[0] outv = outv.strip() outv = outv.replace(' ','_') outv = outv.replace('-','_') outv = outv.replace('"','') outv = outv.replace(';','') if (inv, outv) not in edges: edges.append((inv, outv)) dot_output=[] dot_output.append('digraph G { \n') dot_output.append('compound=true; \n') # clusters first for index, content in clusters.iteritems(): dot_output.append('subgraph cluster%s { \n'%index) for elt in list(content): #if '2202' in elt: # print('test') elt = elt.strip() elt = elt.replace(' ','_') elt = elt.replace('-','_') elt = elt.replace('"','') elt = elt.replace(';','') dot_output.append('%s; \n'%elt) dot_output.append('} \n') # add all edges for edge in edges: inv = None outv=None inv_cluster=None outv_cluster=None if isinstance(edge[0],int): # invertex is a cluster inv_cluster='cluster%s'%edge[0] inv = clusters[edge[0]] else: # invertex is an individual node inv = edge[0] if isinstance(edge[1],int): # outvertex is a cluster outv_cluster='cluster%s'%edge[0] outv = clusters[edge[1]] else: # outvertex is an individual node outv = edge[1] if isinstance(inv,set) and isinstance(outv,set): # inv, outv both clusters a = list(inv)[0] b = list(outv)[0] a = a.strip() a = a.replace(' ','_') a = a.replace('-','_') a = a.replace('"','') a = a.replace(';','') b = b.strip() b = b.replace(' ','_') b = b.replace('-','_') b = b.replace('"','') b = b.replace(';','') dot_output.append('%s -> %s [ltail=%s,lhead=%s]; \n'%(a,b,inv_cluster,outv_cluster)) elif isinstance(inv,set) and isinstance(outv,str): # inv is cluster, outv is string a = list(inv)[0] a = a.strip() a = a.replace(' ','_') a = a.replace('-','_') a = a.replace('"','') a = a.replace(';','') dot_output.append('%s -> %s [ltail=%s]; \n'%(a,outv,inv_cluster)) elif isinstance(inv,str) and isinstance(outv,set): # inv is string, outv is cluster b = list(outv)[0] b = b.strip() b = b.replace(' ','_') b = b.replace('-','_') b = b.replace('"','') b = b.replace(';','') dot_output.append('%s -> %s [lhead=%s]; \n'%(inv,b,outv_cluster)) else: # inv, outv both string dot_output.append('%s -> %s; \n'%(inv,outv)) # write output to .dot file dot_output.append('} \n') dot_file_text='' for line in dot_output: dot_file_text +=line #write policy file dot_file=open(file_path,'w') dot_file.write(dot_file_text) dot_file.close() except BaseException, e: print('generate_visualisation:: Error- %s'%e) @staticmethod def nodes_overlap(nodes_list1, nodes_list2): """ Checks if two lists of nodes overlap. :param nodes_list1: list of Node objects :param nodes_list2: list of Node objects :return: boolean """ for node1 in nodes_list1: for node2 in nodes_list2: intersection = node1.get_element_set().intersection(node2.get_element_set()) if intersection is not None and len(intersection) > 0: return True return False @staticmethod def get_generating_set(edge_list): """ Retrieves the generating set of the metagraph from its edge list. :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: set """ if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) generating_set = [] for edge in edge_list: for input_elt in edge.invertex: if input_elt not in generating_set: generating_set.append(input_elt) for output in edge.outvertex: if output not in generating_set: generating_set.append(output) return set(generating_set) @staticmethod def get_element_set(nodes_list): """ Retrieves the set of elements within a given list of nodes :param nodes_list: list of Node objects :return: set """ if nodes_list is not None and len(nodes_list) > 0: result = set() for node in nodes_list: result = result.union(node.get_element_set()) return result return set() @staticmethod def transpose_matrix(matrix): """ Computes the transpose matrix of given matrix :param matrix: 2D array :return: 2D array """ if matrix is None: raise MetagraphException('matrix', resources['value_null']) #rows = len(matrix) cols = len(matrix[0]) result = [] for j in range(cols): column = [row[j] for row in matrix] result.append(column) return result @staticmethod def custom_multiply_matrices(matrix1, matrix2, edge_list): """Multiplies the Triple lists of two matrices :param matrix1: 2D array :param matrix2: 2D array :param edge_list: list of Edge objects :return: 2D array """ if matrix1 is None: raise MetagraphException('matrix1', resources['value_null']) if matrix2 is None: raise MetagraphException('matrix2', resources['value_null']) if edge_list is None or len(edge_list) == 0: raise MetagraphException('edge_list', resources['value_null']) matrix1_cols = len(matrix1[0]) matrix2_rows = len(matrix2) if matrix1_cols != matrix2_rows: raise MetagraphException('matrix1, matrix2', resources['structures_incompatible']) result = MetagraphHelper().get_null_matrix(len(matrix1), len(matrix2[0])) for i in range(len(matrix1)): for j in range(len(matrix2[0])): intermediate_result = set() for k in range(len(matrix1[0])): a_ik = matrix1[i][k] b_kj = matrix2[k][j] temp = MetagraphHelper().custom_add_matrix_elements(k, a_ik, b_kj, edge_list) intermediate_result = intermediate_result.union(temp) result[i][j] = intermediate_result return result @staticmethod def custom_add_matrix_elements(k, a_ik, b_kj, y): """Custom addition of matrix elements. :param k: int :param a_ik: int :param b_kj: int :param y: list :return: set """ if len(y) < k+1: raise MetagraphException('k', resources['value_out_of_bounds']) if a_ik == 1 and b_kj == -1: return {(1, y[k])} elif a_ik == -1 and b_kj == -1: return {(-1, y[k])} else: return set() @staticmethod def extract_edge_label_components(label): """Extracts components of an edge label. :param label: string :return: string tuple """ if label is None or label == '': raise MetagraphException('label', resources['value_null']) label = label.replace('>', '') items = label.split('<') if len(items) < 2: raise MetagraphException('label', resources['format_invalid']) r_ij = {items[0]} tuples = items[1].split(';') if len(tuples) < 2: raise MetagraphException('label', resources['format_invalid']) t_a = {tuples[0]} t_b = {tuples[1]} # noinspection PyRedundantParentheses return (r_ij, t_a, t_b) @staticmethod def get_pre_requisites_list(pre_requisites_desc): result=[] if pre_requisites_desc=='NA': return result items= pre_requisites_desc.split(' or ') for item in items: item = item.replace('(','') item = item.replace(')','') sub_items = item.split(' and ') if len(sub_items)>1 and sub_items not in result: result.append(sub_items) elif item not in result: result.append(item) return result